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000000000000000 Is time to play a little_GAMES FOR ALL 0000000000I Beauty is being the best version of yourself on the inside and out_ HeyI Is easy to be sophisticated but it is difficult to be simple_perfect quotesI My world revolves around her_She is a part of my heart_ Selena GomezI Nobody is perfect but she is alway s herself_ qualities and flaws l factsl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lo Instagram pics l Selena G l part 01o Instagram pics l Selena G l part 02o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ox x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxz - Arriving - and- meeting - fans -at - the - Behaving - Badly - premiere xxz - Arriving - at - a - mall - in- Studio -City -Los- Angeles -CA x x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at - Craigs- restaurant -in - West -Hollywood -CA x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at - Heathrow - Airport - for - a - departing - flight x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at - Heathrow - Airport - in - London -United -Kingdom x x xxz - Arriving - at - her - hotel -in -New - York - City -United -States x x x x xxz - Arriving - at - LAX - airport -in -L os - Angeles -California x x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at - the - Teen - Choice Awards - in - Los - Angeles -x x x x xxz - Arriving - at -a- restaurant -with - Cara -Delevigne -and -friends x x xxz - Arriving - at -her - hotel -in -New - York - City -United -States x x x x xxz - Arriving - at -JFK - airport - in -N ew York C -for - a -departing -flight xxz - Arriving - at -LAX -Airport - in - L os- Angeles -California x x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at -the - American -Ba llet - Theatre - in -New - York -City xxz - Arriving - at- Chateau - Marmont - in - West -Holywood x x x x x x x xxz - Arriving - at- LAX -Airport - in - L os - A - for -a -departing - flight x x xxz - Arriving -at - LAX - airport - with - Cara -Delevigne -in -Los - A x x x xxz - Arriving -at - Montage - Hotel - in - Beverly -Hills -LA -County x x x x xxz - Arriving -at - Sunset -Tower - Ho tel - in - Los -Angeles - California x xxz - Arriving -at - the -Louis - Vuitton - show - in -Paris -France x x x x x xxz - Arriving -at - The -Peninsula-for - the -lunch - of -CR - Fashion - Bookxz - Arriving -at -Club -55 -with -Cara - Delevigne -and -friends - in - ST x xxz - Arriving -at- the- airport - in - Mi ami - southeastern -of- Florida x x xxz - Arriving -at-Hotel-Regina - for - t he - Ischia -Global -Festival x x x x xxz - Arriving -at-LAX - Airport - in - L os - Angeles -California -USA x x x xxz - Arriving -at-the -Hit - Factory - S tudio -with- Justin -in - Miami x x x xxz - Arriving -at-the- airport - in -Mia mi -for -a -departing - flight x x x x xxz - Arriving -to-an-acting - class- in - Los-Angeles -California x x x x x xxz - Arriving at- Chelsea -Lately- stu dios - in - Los -Angeles -CA x x x x xxz - Arriving-at -a-studio -in-Los -An geles -California-USA x x x x x x x xxz - Arrving -with -Justin - in - Toron to - Canada -United -States x x x x xxz - At - Chick-fil -A- in - Studio - City -Los -Angeles -California x x x x x xxz - At - LAX -Airport -in - Los - Ange les -California -SUA x x x x x x x x xxz - At - the - airport-in -Miami - Flori da - United -States - of -America x xxz - At -LAX - Airport -in - Los -Ange les - California -USA x x x x x x x x xxz - At -Sketch -restaurant -in - May fair -London - United -Kingdom x x xxz - At -the-Chelsea-Handler - show - in -Los -Angeles -California x x x xxz - Being -crowded-by -fans - while - returning - to -her - hotel-in - NYC xxz - Boarding - the - port - of - the - is land - of - Ischia - Italy x x x x x x x xxz - Boarding -a - plane- at - the - air port -in- Toronto -Canada x x x x x xxz - Celebrating -her-birthday-on - a - yacht -in - Saint -Tropez x x x x x xxz - Finish -shopping-and- return -to - their - hotel -wt- Justin-in- Torontoxz - Goes -horseback -riding-in -Los - Angeles -California x x x x x x x x xxz - Goes -out -for -lunch -at-Hugo s - restaurant x x x x x x x x x x x x xxz - Goes -shopping -in- Paris - Fran ce -Europe x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxz - Going - out -to- lunch -with - her - friends -in- Los -Angeles - CA x x xxz - Going - to -a- meeting - in - Los - Angeles - California-USA x x x x x xxz - Going -out -for - dinner - after - t he -premiere -Of - Rudderless x x xxz - Going -out -for - dinner - in - Los - Angeles -California- USA x x x x xxz - Going-through -Drive - Thru - to- Starbucks - in - Los-Angeles - CA xxz - Grabs-food- from -In -N - Out - B urger - in - Los-Angeles - CA x x x xxz - Having -breakfast-at - The-Little - Cafe - in -Los - Angeles- Californiaxz - Having -Lunch -at - Chipotle -Me xican- Grill - in -New - York- City x xxz - Heading - to - a - business - mee ting - in - Los - Angeles - California xxz - Heading - to - lunch - with - gran dparents -at - Cecconis - restaurantxz - Heading - to -a-party - hosted - b y -Leonardo-DiCaprio x x x x x x x xxz - Heading -to-her- house -with - J ustin - Bieber -in-Calabasas -CA x xxz - Heading-to- lunch-in - Studio - C ity - Los -Angeles -USA x x x x x x xxz - Horseback - riding - with - Justin - Bieber - in - Canada - USA x x x x xxz - Landing - in -JFK - Airport - New - York - City -United -States x x x x xxz - Leaving - a - dance - studio -in- L os - Angeles - California x x x x x x xxz - Leaving - a - studio -with - Justin - Bieber - in - Los - Angeles x x x x xxz - Leaving - a- meeting- and - gree ting - fans -in - New -York- City x x xxz - Leaving - a- party -with- Kendall - and -Kylie -Jenner x x x x x x x x xxz - Leaving - a- recording- studio - i n - Los-Angeles -California x x x x xxz - Leaving - dinner - wth - her - frie nds -in - Saint - Tropez - France x x xxz - Leaving - her - hotel -in - New - Y ork - United - States x x x x x x x x xxz - Leaving - the - American - Ballet - Theatre - in - New - York - City x x xxz - Leaving -a - casting- call - studio - in - California - United - States x x xxz - Leaving -a - convenience- store - in -Los -Angeles -California x x x xxz - Leaving -a - friends - house -in - Hollywood -California x x x x x x x xxz - Leaving -a - friends- house - in - Los - Angeles- California x x x x x xxz - Leaving -a - photoshoot - in- Los - Angeles -California-SUA x x x x x xxz - Leaving -a -private- party - in - B everly - Hills -Los -Angeles x x x x xxz - Leaving -a -recording -studio - w ith - Justin - in - Hollywood - CA x x xxz - Leaving -A 7-11- store - in - Los - Angeles -California- SUA -x x x x xxz - Leaving -a- convenience - store - in - Los -Angeles- California - x x xxz - Leaving -a-friends - house - and - stopping - for -lunch -in - Los - A xxz - Leaving -a-meeting - in - Los - A ngeles - California-USA x x x x x x xxz - Leaving -an -office - building - in - Calabasas -Los -Angeles x x x x xxz - Leaving -Craig s -restaurant - in - West - Hollywood - Los-A x x x x xxz - Leaving -LAX - and -hoping -into - Justin s -private -jet - in - LA x x x xxz - Leaving -Mastros -restaurant- w ith - Justin - in-Beverly - Hills x x x xxz - Leaving -Mirtha-Michelles - boo k - launch - in - New-York x x x x x xxz - Leaving -Nine- Zero- One -Salon -in - Hollywood-California x x x x x xxz - Leaving -Nine-Zero - One -Salon - in - West-Hollywood x x x x x x x xxz - Leaving -Nine-Zero - One -Salon - in -West - Hollywood-California x xxz - Leaving -Quality- Caffe - in - Los - Angeles - California-USA -x x x x xxz - Leaving -Rockwell- Lounge - iin - Los -Angeles-California x x x x x xxz - Leaving -the- Abbey - nightclub- in - Los - Angeles-California x x x xxz - Leaving -the- Bedford -bar - and - restaurant -in- New- York - City x xxz - Leaving -the- Commons - comp lex - in-Calabasas-California x x x xxz - Leaving- Disneyland-in - Los - A ngeles - California-USA x x x x x x xxz - Leaving-a-friends-house - in - B everly - Hills - United-States x x x xxz - Leaving-a-meeeting -in - Los - A ngeles - California -United -States xxz - Leaving-an-acting - class - in- L os - Angeles -California-USA x x x xxz - Leaving-Arclight- Cinema - with - Justin - Bieber -in -Los - Angeles xxz - Leaving-Chipotle-Mexican - Grill - in- New - York -United-States x x xxz - Leaving-Gracias- Madre - in - W est -Hollywood-California x x x x x xxz - Leaving-Kabuki - japanese - res taurant -North -Hollywood- Los - A xxz - Leaving-lunch - and -heading - t o - a - convenience-store -in- LA x xxz - Leaving-Nine -One - Zero -Salon - in - Beverlly -Hills-United - States xxz - Leaving-Nine -One- Zero - Salon - in - Los -Angeles-California x x x xxz - Leaving-Shibuya -restaurant -in - Los-Angeles -California x x x x x xxz - Leaving-Starbucks- in -Los - An geles -California-USA x x x x x x x xxz - Leaving-the - Marmalade - Cafe - in - Los -Angeles-California x x x xxz - Leaving-the -Met - Gala -with - Z ooey - Deschanel - and - Reese-W xxz - Leaving-the -Sunset - Tower - H otel -in - Los -Angeles-California x xxz - Leaving-the-Ritz-Carlton - Hotel - in - New - York-City -x x x x x x x xxz - Meeting - fans - outside -her - ho tel - in - Ischia - Italy - Europe x x x xxz - Meeting - fans - outside -her - ho tel - in - London - United - Kingdom xxz - Meeting - her - fans - in - New - Y ork - United - States x x x x x x x x xxz - Meeting -fans - while -leaving - h er - hotel - in - New - York - City x x xxz - On - a - yacht - with - friends - in - Saint - Tropez - France x x x x x x xxz - On - a - yacht-with - Cara - Dele vigne - and - friends-in - ST x x x x xxz - On -a-ATV -with- Justin - Bieber - in - Ontario - Canada-USA x x x x xxz - Out - and- About -in - Los - Ange les -California x x x x x x x x x x x xxz - Out - and- about -in - Soho - New - York - United-States x x x x x x x xxz - Out - and-About-in -Brooklyn - N ew - York - United-States x x x x x xxz - Out - for - dinner - at - ABC - Kitc hen - in - New - York - City x x x x x xxz - Out - for - lunch - in - Los - Angel es - California - United - States x x xxz - Out - for - lunch -with -friends -in - West - Hollywood -United - States xxz - Out -and -About- in - Miami - sou theastern -of- Florida x x x x x x x xxz - Out -for-lunch- with - Kendall - J enner - in - Los - Angeles-Californiaxz - Out-for -lunch - at - Cicis - Pizza - Buffet -in -Tarzana-California x x xxz - Outside - the - Sunset -Tower - H otel -in - Los - Angeles x x x x x x x xxz - Riding -a - jet- ski - and - parasa iling -in - Saint - Tropez-France x x xxz - Shooting-Adidas- NEO - photos hoot - or -commercial-in - NYC x x xxz - Shopping-on- Madison -Avenue -in - New - York -City-United - Statesxz - Stopping -by - a - dance - studio - and - then - grabbing - lunch -in-LAxz - Stopping -by - a - friends -house -in - Los - Angeles-California x x x xxz - Stopping -by-Nine -Zero - One -S alon -in - West-Hollywood x x x x x xxz - Stopping -for - fans - before - get ting - into -a- yellow - taxi -in - NYC xxz - Stopping- by -a - office - building - in - Los-Angeles -California x x x xxz - Stopping-by - Starbucks -in -Stu dio - City - Los -Angeles- CA -x x x xxz - Stopping-by- face -place-in - Ho llywood -California -United -States xxz - Stops - by - her - lawyers - office - in- Los -Angeles -California x x x xxz - Stops - by - a-recording - studio - in - Los -Angeles -California x x x xxz - Stops - by - Casa - Vega - restau rant - in - Sherman - Oaks x x x x x xxz - Stops - for - lunch -in - Woodland - Hills -Los -Angeles x x x x x x x x xxz - Stops -by-convenience -store - i n - Los -Angeles- California x x x x xxz - Strolling -around - Wall - Street - in - New -York - City -US x x x x x x xxz - Strolling -through -in - island - Is chia - Italy -Southern -Europe x x x xxz - Strolling -through-St - Tropez - a nd - heading -to -the - yacht x x x x xxz - Strolling -through-the- Ischia - G lobal - Film -and - Music -Festival x xxz - Walking - with - Justin - to - their - VIP - pool - at -the -Hard - Rock x xxz - Waving -her-fans - from - the - b alcony - of - her - hotel -in -Ischia x xxz - With - Cara - Delevigne -on - a- y acht -in- Saint -Tropez -France x x xxz - With - Justin - Bieber - in - the - c rowd -at -Coachella - California x x xxz - With - Justin -Bieber - by -the - p ool - in - Statford-Canada x x x x x xxz - With -Justin - Bieber - at - a - stu dio - in - Miami - Florida- USA x x x x

membru din 24 decembrie 2012
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